A Crown of Fire, Throne of Blood (ASOIAF/GOT/SW) SI/OC merged with Viserys Targaryen Fantasy (2024)

A Crown of Fire, Throne of Blood (ASOIAF/GOT/SW) SI/OC merged with Viserys Targaryen Fantasy (1)

AN: This is the last part of Chapter 6. Next will come time skip, with Oberyn Martell arriving to a changing Astapor, allowing me to show the initial effects of Viserys' reforms and vision.

Disclaimer: I don't own A Song of Ice and Fire, the Game of Throne or the Star Wars books, TV series or games. They belong to their creators, publishers and/or copyright owners. This story is not for sale or rent.

Chapter 6 Part 6


290 AC

One of the many things discussed by the Advisory Council was where to send the Good Masters slotted for exile and who to send with them as envoys. At the very least, Viserys needed a representative to reach Yunkai, Meereen, New Ghis, Elyria, and Tolos. Mantarys would be a stretch goal, and the same was true for Volantis. Sheer distance and lack of navy, respectively, made the latter two cities less than a threat, even though support from Volantis to Viserys' enemies would be painful.

That was why Viserys kept hammering at the same points at every single opportunity – he didn't want war in Essos. He had no ambitions for further conquest in Essos and would love to avoid such things if given the chance. Again and again, he focused on a future Targaryen restoration in Westeros, and he wanted the time and resources to do that right.

Surprisingly enough, most of the Advisory Council believed him. The few people who knew better kept their mouths shut because they were either loyal like Ser Lonmouth or had much to gain from Viserys succeeding in his plans for conquest like Old Theo, who still refused to take a proper name.

"I am willing to be an envoy to Yunkai and Meereen," Azmes announced after days of deliberation. "My family has connections in both cities, and we are respected. I will bring our Princes' words to the Masters there, and they will be at least willing to listen to me."

No one commented on the fact that with the boy's family effectively being hostages, he would behave. Dany was getting on with Azmes' cousins like a house on fire recently – a surprising relationship that was very beneficial. It helped that the girls knew that their cousin was loyal. While they might be technically hostages, unless something went terribly wrong, their family was set to benefit significantly from being Dany's Ladies in Waiting.

Even now, they sat beside Dany, whispering explanations in her ears about the political intricacies of the ongoing council session.

"In that case, I am willing to visit Elyria and Tolos," Kraghes mo Grazdan pipped in, eager not to be outdone by his friend. In the past night, he ascended as the leader of the Uquq family, a newly reforged noble House in the service of the Targaryen dynasty.

One of the recent changes was the end of the Great Masters, which were titles held by the most powerful nobles and slave merchants in Astapor. A new nobility system was replacing them, enshrining the new order brought forth by Viserys' conquest.

Azmes and Kraghes were freshly sworn High Lords, leading their Great Houses under the Targaryen banner.

The other Good Master families who eagerly or not so eagerly professed their support were in the process of deciding who their new High Lord would be. They had a few more days to decide before Viserys legally reforged their Houses and made them part of his nobility. That was scheduled to happen after the Targaryens' coronation next sennight. At that point, everyone would reaffirm their oaths to the new dynasty, officially, publicly, and legally binding them to the new order.

Until then, Viserys had a tremendous amount of amount of work to get through.

"I believe that sending one of my attendants with every envoy going to Yunkai, Meereen, and New Ghis can be beneficial," The Green Grace suggested. "Doing so will demonstrate that your reign is blessed by the Ghiscari gods and my belief that your word can be relied upon."

Viserys very pointedly smiled in appreciation at his lover. By now, it was a public secret that Zanage Shaehl shared his bed regularly and that by itself helped keep things calm among those who gave a damn about the Temple of the Graces.

"I will appreciate that, your Benevolence," the Prince offered kindly. "Captain Kaleb should have ships ready to deliver our envoys and the exiles by the sennight. They'll leave after our coronation."

Ideally, that would have happened already; however, vetting loyal captains and crews took too damn long because both Kaleb and Viserys had their hands full. It didn't help that some of the captured ships weren't Astapori, which led to potential headaches, a lot of bargaining, a blood price to be paid, and other similar complications. Most foreign ships were en route back home with holds full of treasure to buy goodwill, courtesy of fallen Good Masters. They would spread the news that Viserys was reasonable and willing to play the game everyone was involved in, save for him having no use for slavery due to practical Westeros-related reasons.


Sazlani and Roqizha Lizha were all over Dany, ensuring she looked impeccable for the coronation at noon. Their handmaidens ran all over the place in a whirl of silk, ribbons, and cosmetics.

"Do you think they'll be ready in time?" Viserys asked while warily watching the spectacle. He was already ready, wearing an intricately crafted plate armor over a comfortable doublet and pants. Unsurprisingly, the whole thing was covered in dragon motifs that Smith spent over two sennights carving into the steel.

Ser Lonmouth wore white armor – more leather than steel to ensure he wouldn't keel over from a heat stroke. For the time being, Viserys had decided to dispense with the traditional Kingsguard, in no small part because seven Knights to guard a Royal family were far too few to get the job done. In a few hours, Ser Lonmouth would be the first Royal Guard of the Targaryens, and he would have his hands full in finding reliable members of the institution.

"I can't say one way or another, Your Grace. My only experience was with Princess Elia, and Prince Rhaegar usually had little Rhaenys around to distract us," Ser Richard mournfully admitted.

Viserys remembered his niece, and despite what Aerys claimed, he found nothing wrong with her. If anything, Rhaenys was a ray of sunshine in the court, a sign of better times. The Sith forced his mind away from such thoughts, for that way lay murderous rage.

Dany's happiness was like a balm to the soul, helping Viserys calm himself. Her giggling and that of her attendants were proof that getting her these particular girls as her Ladies-in-waiting was perhaps the best decision he made to date. Just glancing at them through the Force was enough to see they were all happy, and it was pathetically easy to divine that the Lohza sisters held no animosity toward Dany. If anything, recent events were a relief, for Viserys' conquest, secured their family's position like nothing else could.

The twins were still set to marry the cousin they liked, one who had their Prince's favor. Thus, they were guaranteed a marriage they could enjoy instead of dreading. Their fast friendship with Dany was also a security blanket that could shield them if something happened to Azmes.

Finally, the storm of silk and other things died out, revealing Dany looking positively radiant. Her hair was bound in a silver crown of intricate braids, the likes of which Viserys hadn't seen since before the Usurpation. That, combined with Dany's light black and red dress, made her look like the Targaryen Princess she was. Behind her, Sazlani and Roqizha wore matching white dresses, a message that they were still innocent maidens. Their handmaidens surrounded them like an honor guard, signaling that they were ready.

Viserys took the lead, with Ser Lonmouth marching a step behind him. Dany and the other girls followed suit as they left the pyramid. Unsullied Centuries waited outside, ready to act as an honor guard. Each block of elite soldiers carried its own Targaryen banner. Palanquins were prepared to offer transportation, with muscled, free young men ready to carry them.

The Targaryens' procession made its way to the Plaza of Pride while cheering crowds covered the streets and screamed their support for the warlord who freed them. Black and red banners fluttered in the air on nearly every rooftop, embroidered with crimson three-headed dragons.

The plaza was packed to bursting with lines of Unsullied, barely holding the gathered people. Thousands of loyalists or self-proclaimed Targaryen supporters waited to watch the coronation, which would enshrine the formal establishment of the new order.

Viserys couldn't remember the last time he saw that many Targaryen banners fluttering in the air. Was it at that accursed tourney at Harrendal?

The Green Grace waited on the platform where it all began, surrounded by her attendants in pink dresses. Young girls in white held pillows with a crown and tiara made by the best smiths and jewelers of Astapor.

Visery's crown was shaped like two interlinked silver dragons, with tiny rubies for eyes. Two larger rubies stood at the front of the crown, right above a much larger heart-shaped gem encased in silver.

The Prince's Advisory Council joined him, now finally complete with seven commoners elected to represent the regular citizenry of Astapor. The Councillors flanked the platform, surrounded by Unsullied in gleaming lamellar steel or bronze armor.

Dany's attendants moved aside to allow her passage so she could join Viserys as he walked to stand before the Green Grace.

"Good people of Astapor, we are gathered today, in the light of the gods, to crown a man who brought us a new path!" Zanage Shaehl's voice carried clearly over the plaza. "For far too long, Astapor has stagnated, rotting due to a lack of vision! We were once a proud people, masters of all we surveyed! Our Prince has the blessing of the gods to bring forth a new age! Let us all be united under a singular vision to forge a bright future!"

Viserys fell on one knee before the Green Grace, followed by Daenerys.

"Viserys of House Targaryen," Zanage Shaehl continued after one of the girls brought her the crown. She picked it up, and no one could mistake the reverence with which she now spoke. "It is my great privilege to Crown you as the first Ruling Prince of Astapor! Do you swear to protect Astapor and her citizens with all your might?"

"So I swear!" Viserys vowed.
"Do you swear to bring prosperity to your realm and all who inhabit it?"

"So I swear!"

"Do you swear to be a just sovereign of Astapor?"

"So I swear!"

The Green Grace picked up the crown and carefully placed it upon Viserys' brow.

"Under the gaze of gods and men, you solemnly gave your oaths. From your lips into the gods' ears, you vowed. Raise Prince Viserys Targaryen, First of Your Name, Sorcerer Warlord, and Sovereign of Astapor! The Liberator!"

Thousands of throats cheered as Viserys rose, their crowned and annoited Prince. He raised a hand, and the cheer gradually subsided. Zanage Shaehl walked to stand above Daenerys and repeated the ritual.

"Princess Daenerys of House Targaryen. It is my great privilege to crown you as the first Crown Princess and heiress to the Principality of Astapor. Do you swear to protect Astapor and her citizens with all your might?"

"So I swear!" Dany's voice rang loud and true.

"Do you swear to bring prosperity to your realm and all who inhabit it?"

"So I swear!"

"Do you swear to be a just sovereign of Astapor upon your ascension to the throne?"

"So I swear!"

The Green Grace picked up the glimmering tiara and carefully placed it on Dany's head.

"Under the gaze of gods and men, you solemnly gave your oaths. From your lips into the gods' ears, you vowed. Raise Princess Daenerys Targaryen, Heiress to the Principality of Astapor!" the Green Grace gleefully proclaimed.

The Force swelled with the crowd's emotions, and Viserys seized the moment when Dany rose to join him standing before the crowd.

"This day marks a new age for Astapor! We offered you all a new path, a future worthy of living, and we've been tirelessly working to achieve it! Today, you are my people through conquests, through the laws of gods and men. I hereby offer you the new path that will guide us all into a bright future. Freedom through Power!" Viserys roared, and everyone who heard him picked up the chant.

"Freedom through Power!"



Viserys waited for the thunderous roars to subdue before he could continue.

"The truth of this world we are condemned to live in is simple. Power is all that matters at the end of the day. It doesn't matter how good or pious you are, it doesn't matter how moral you are, for if you lack power! For then, everything you have and desire to protect can be easily taken from you. All of you, my people, who until recently had no power over your lives, know this truth deep down in your hearts," Viserys used the combined emotions of the crowd through the Force to make them believe his words without a shadow of a doubt. "I promised you power, and I will deliver. Our society must change. Only as warrior people can we be the architects of our own fate."

"Freedom through Power!" The crowd changed, with thousands practically foaming at the mouth in near rapture.

"Freedom through Power!" Viserys and Dany shouted back.

"Thus, I offer you the Resol'nare, a path to power and unity, so you will never be again alone and vulnerable!" At that, everyone hung upon Visery's words and was eager to hear more. "I will strive to grant you all arms and armor so you can defend yourselves and your families. It will be your solemn duty to take care of that gear. I will grant you the training you need to be the first and last line of defense for your families, so slavers will never again take away your dignity, your freedom, and your loved ones!"

"FREEDOM THROUGH POWER!" Thousands of throats went raw from screaming.

"We will be one people. Bound by one culture, one language. I will reforge you into warrior people capable of defending yourselves! Your solemn task will be to raise your children as warriors who can protect themselves, their families, and their future children! You will never again be alone! For it is the solemn duty of each of us to contribute to the welfare of the rest and shield each other's backs!" Viserys paused, waiting for the inevitable chanting to subdue.

"The price for this power, the future I offer you, and my protection is simple. When I call upon you, you will rally upon my cause! Just like I will be here to shield you from anyone daring to take away your freedom and subjugate your families, you will stand right beside me to protect House Targaryen!"

"FREEDOM THROUGH POWER!" This time, it was Dany who screamed it first, and countless throats joined her declaration.

After everyone calmed down, it was time for people to officially and publicly swear their allegiance to the Targaryens.

"Ser Richard Lonmouth, step forward!" Viserys ordered.

The knight saluted with a fist to the heart, as everyone does these days, at their Prince's suggestion. He walked before his sovereign and took a knee, drawing and offering his sword to the Targaryen.

"After the death of Ser William Darry two years ago, I believed that there were no true loyalists sworn to my family left in the world. For words are wind, and actions are what matters in the end. I will be forever grateful that you proved me wrong, Ser. The Kings of Westeros, who sit on the throne my family forged with dragon fire and blood, have their Kingsguard to protect them. Seven Knights, for the whole Royal Family, no matter how small or large. History has repeatedly proven that seven men, no matter how lethal and deadly, might not be up to the task of guarding the Royal Family through no fault of their own. Today, I will prove that I've learned from the mistakes of my predecessors," Viserys looked over the crowd before focusing on the kneeling knight. "Ser Richard Lonmouth, it is my great honor and privilege to name you the Lord Commander of House Targaryen's Royal Guard."

"It is my utmost privilege to serve House Targaryen with all I am, Your Grace!" Lonmouth's words dripped with pride and vindication.

"Ser Lonmouth, do you swear to obey your Prince's commands?"

"I swear!"

"Do you swear to protect House Targaryen until your dying breath?"

"I vow so by the Old Gods and the New!"

"Do you swear to keep our secrets and offer wise counsel?"

"I swear!"

"Do you swear to protect the name and honor of House Targaryen?"

"I swear so!"

By then, it was clear that this was a religious experience for Ser Lonmouth. At that point, Viserys doubted he would ever get a more faithful loyalist he hadn't mind-f*cked through the Force to be his creature through and through.

"Then raise, Ser Richard Lonmough, Lord Commander of the Royal Guard. Your first task will be finding at least a hundred leal men and women to fill the ranks."

Lonmouth rose and sheathed his sword in a smooth motion. Pure devotion was written all over his face. He saluted and took his position behind Viserys.

The Unsullied commanders filled in one after another, followed by Captain Kaleb, so they could give their own oaths. The rest of the Advisory Council would follow, then everyone else, beginning with the new Great Houses led by their High Lords.

A Crown of Fire, Throne of Blood (ASOIAF/GOT/SW) SI/OC merged with Viserys Targaryen Fantasy (2024)
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Name: Kelle Weber

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Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.