Miner's Haven:Guide to Reborn Husbandry | Fandom (2024)

This is a guide that covers Enchanted and Superstitious items in relation to reborn items. Its main focus is to compile what and how many reborn items are needed to create all or some of these very powerful items. (Some mistakes may be present, in case do person research)

Enchanted Total Reborn: 100 Dreamer’s Fright, 70 Eternal Journey, 60 Sage Redeemer, 50 Dreamer’s Might, 50 Big Alberto, 42 Newtonium Mine, 41 Sakura Garden, 40 Ancient Temple, 40 Nuclear Stronghold, 40 Massive Diamond Mine, 40 Toxic Waste Disposal, 39 Dragonglass Mine, 36 Astral Predictor, 35 The Fracture, 31 Dreamer’s Anguish, 30 Igneous Forge, 30 Invasive Cyberlord, 30 Vampire Spore, 30 Pizza Blaster, 30 Aether Refiner, 30 Scorpium Mine, 28 Dragon Blaster, 26 Gravitational Gearwork, 24 Precursor Furnace, 24 Scorching Heat, 23 Crystalized System, 21 Pilotite Mine, 21 Green Tea Latte, 20 Gate of Eclipse, 20 Breech Loader, 20 Red Giant, 20 Black Dwarf, 20 Righteous Will, 18 Precursor Mine, 15 Symmetrium Mine, 15 Northern Lights, 14 Banana Split Refiner, 12 Phase Processor, 12 Vulcan’s Grasp, 10 The Abomination, 10 Hades Palace, 10 Gate of Eclipse, 9 Phase Refiner, 7 Blind Justice, 5 Nova Star, 5 Arcane Lightning, 5 Crystal Shrine, 5 Industrial Scarab, 3 Palladium Drill, 3 Spirit of Fire, 3 Fright Dystopia, 3 Son of Poison, 3 Father of Freon, 1 Sword God Shrine, 1 Dreamer’s Blight, 1 Meatball Sandwich.

Enchanted Evo/Fusion: 5 Sage King, 5 Dreamer’s Blight, 5 Eternal Fracture, 4 Diamond Breech Loader, 4 Ancient Coliseum, 3 Dragonglass Blaster, 3 Palladium Drill, 3 Symcorpium Mine, 3 V-tolite Mine, 3 Newtonium Excavator, 3 Phasecursor Mine, 3 Astral Setter, 3 Crystalized Engine, 3 Final Eclipse Gate, 3 Dreamer’s Nightmare, 3 Breached Motherboard, 3 Tyrant’s Forge, 3 Sakura Falls, 2 The Fissure, 3 Phasecursor Furnace, 3 Aurora Borealis, 3 Searing Heat, 3 Green Tea Kettle, 2 Nuclear Castle, 2 Anguished Garde, 2 Castle Bravo, 3 Demon Core, 3 Pizza Bombarder, 2 Banana Sundae Refiner,2 Vulcan’s Destiny, 2 Devil’s Spore, 2 Draconicglass Mine, 2 Neutron Star, 2 Atmospheric Streamwork, 2 Zenith Will, 2 Dreamer’s Terror, 2 Dreamer’s Valor, 1 Brimstone Spires, 1 Aethereal Synthesizer, 1 Sword God Shrine, 1 Swift Justice, 1 Eternal Limbo, 1 Hydrablaster, 1 Daegelart, 1 Crystal Alter.

Superstitious Total Reborn: 100 Big Bertha, 72 Ore Illuminator, 37 Wild Spore, 32 Dark Magic, 30 Fractured Reality, 26 Lightningbolt Refiner, 26 Eternal Journey, 25 Dreamer’s Might, 25 Dreamer’s Fright, 25 Big Alberto, 25 Timeless Enchantment, 24 Azure Refiner, 20 Sword God Shrine, 20 Black Dwarf, 20 Nature’s Grip, 18 Dreamer’s Anguish, 17 Sage Redeemer, 16 Arcane Lightning, 15 Dragonglass Mine, 15 Vampire Spore, 15 Aether Refinery, 14 Yunium Mine, 13 The Fracture, 11 Clockwork, 10 The Abomination, 10 Tesla Resetter, 10 Red Giant, 10 The Catalyst, 10 Stardust Pulsar, 10 Gate of Eclipse, 10 Blind Justice, 10 Igneous Force, 10 Ancient Temple, 9 Massive Diamond Mine, 9 Frozen Justice, 8 Arcane Lightning, 8 Symmetrium Mine, 8 Apollium Mine, 8 Guardian of the Gate, 8 Scorching Heat, 8 Crystalized System, 7 Pilotite Mine, 6 Newtonium Mine, 6 Vulcan’s Grasp, 6 Sakura Garden, 5 Morning Star, 5 Northern Light, 5 Crystal Shrine, 4 Industrial Firecrystal Mine, 3 Astral Predictor, 3 Nova Star, 1 Ambrosia Fountain, 1 Funky Town, 1 Son of Poison.

[As some Superstitious crafting materials are used in other Superstitious crafting and they are not removed while doing so, the reborn item count is not 100% practically accurate]

Superstitious Evo/Fusion: The Fissure, The Daegelart, Eternal Fracture, Tempest Refiner, Lightningbolt Predictor, Azure Purifier, Mystical Thunder, Tesla Refuter, Yuttrium Mine, Symmetryte Mine, Yuntonium Mine, Solarium Mine, Dreamer’s Valor, Dreamer’s Nightmare, Dreamer’s Terror, Eternal Limbo, Brimstone Spires, Dark Illuminator, Forbidden Magic, Anguished Guardian of the Gate, Neutron Star, Catalyzed Star, Ore Nova, Void Star, Aethereal Synthesizer, Final Eclipse Gate, Crystal Alter, Searing Heat, Fire Crystalized System, Vulcan’s Destiny, Deadly Spore, Azure Spore, Lord of Tenebrous, Massive Diamond Drill, Sage Justice, Sage King, V-tolite Mine, Tyrant’s Forge, Aurora Borealis, Gaia’s Grasp, Frozen Peaks, Ambrosia Garden, Stardust Illuminator, Ore Indoctrinator, Ancient Coliseum, Grandfather Clockwork, Temporal Enchantment, Temporal Armageddon, Draconicglass Mine, Devil’s Spore, Castle Bravo, Tsar Bomba.

[You will need at least 1 of all the listed items to create all the Superstitious Catalyst]

For reborn items not listed in the total reborn count, feel free to salvage them. Though some reborn items not included are required for crafting other powerful items (Evos and Fusions) outside Enchanted and Superstitious tiers and/or are used in Superstitious elemental recipes. Before salvaging, make sure it won’t affect future progress. Advanced Reborns should not be salvaged.

Salvage Options: Vortex Chamber, Ore Sawmill, Flaming Schrodinger, Venom Shank, Big Bad Blaster, Mineral Wheel, Plasma Scanner, Green Tea Latte, Solar Flare, Atomium Mine, Cooling Chamber, Atlantic Monument, Ore Skillet, Shard Park.


[Only the Reborn and their Evolution/Fusion are included; meaning no mystery box items, no shop items, no Slipstreams, and no Ultimate items are included alongside badge requirements]

[If there is an asterisk* in front of the item, it means that it is a requirement for obtaining a Superstitious Catalyst. Consider holding off on obtaining that Enchanted item (as it will permanently remove the asterisk item if crafted), until the Superstitious item is obtained]

[The Pizza Furnace is not included since the majority of it requires limited box items and isn’t obtainable, though let it be known that it requires 3 Pizza Blasters which is not included in the total count]

Angle’s Blessing

1 Swift Justice—7 Blind Justice

*2 Final Eclipse Gate—20 Gate of Eclipse

3 Dragonglass Blaster—18 Dragon Blaster, 9 Dragonglass Mine

1 Sword God Shrine

*Gargantium Mine

3 Palladium Drill

3 Symcorpium Mine—30 Scorpium Mine, 15 Symmetrium Mine

3 Newtonium Excavator—42 Newtonian Mine

*3 V-tolite Mine—21 Pilotite Mine

4 Diamond Breech Loader—40 Massive Diamond Mine, 20 Breech Loader

3 Phasecursor Mine—18 Precursor Mine, 9 Phase Refiner

Book of Knowledge

*3 Sage King—36 Sage Redeemer

*1 Neutron Star—10 Red Giant

*Aethereal Synthesizer—30 Aether Refinery

*Devourer of Nightmares

*2 Eternal Fracture—12 Eternal Journey, 6 The Fracture

*1 Brimstone Spires—10 Hades Palace

*1 Dreamer’s Nightmare—7 Dreamer’s Anguish

*1 Dreamer’s Terror—50 Dreamer’s Fright

Empyrean Momument

*1 Neutron Star—10 Red Giant

*5 Nova Star

*2 Ancient Coliseum—20 Ancient Temple

5 Arcane Lightning

2 Atmospheric Steamwork—26 Gravitational Gearwork

3 Astral Setter—36 Astral Predictor

*Void Drive

*1 Eternal Limbo—20 Eternal Journey

1 Hydra Blaster—10 Dragon Blaster

*1 Void Star—10 Black Dwarf

1 Daegelart—10 The Abomination

3 Crystallized Engine—24 Crystallized System

*Coliseum Catharsis

*1 Final Eclipse Gate—10 Gate of Eclipse

*1 Crystal Alter—5 Crystal Shrine

*1 Tyrant’s Forge—10 Igneous Forge

*2 Sage King—24 Sage Redeemer

*2 Ancient Coliseum—20 Ancient Temple

*Champion Infuser

2 Zenith Will—20 Righteous Will

Dreamer’s Life

*1 Dreamer’s Terror—50 Dreamer’s Fright

*5 Dreamer’s Blight

*3 Eternal Fracture—18 Eternal Journey, 9 The Fracture

*2 Dreamer’s Valor—50 Dreamer’s Might

*2 Dreamer’s Nightmare—14 Dreamer’s Anguish

*Gargantium Core

3 Breached Motherboard—30 Invasive Cyberlord

*2 Tyrant’s Forge—20 Igneous Forges

3 Sakura Falls—21 Sakura Garden

2 The Fissure—20 The Fracture

3 Phasecursor Furnace—24 Precursor Furnace, 12 Phase Processor

*3 Aurora Borealis—15 Northern Lights

*The Trinity

*3 Searing Heat—24 Scorching Heat

*3 Spirit of Fire

10 Toxic Waste Disposal

3 Frigid Dystopia

*3 Son of Poison

3 Father of Freon

*Oblivion Emission

*1 Eternal Limbo—20 Eternal Journey

2 Nuclear Castle—40 Nuclear Stronghold

2 Anguished Garden—10 Dreamer’s Anguish, 20 Sakura Garden

*2 Castle Bravo—50 Big Alberto

The Chaosrealm

3 Demon Core—30 Toxic Waste Disposal

*2 Vulcan’s Destiny—12 Vulcan’s Grasp

5 Industrial Scarab

2 Devil’s Spore—30 Vampire Spore

*1 Void Star—10 Black Dwarf

*2 Draconicglass Mine—30 Dragonglass Mine

The Cornucopia

3 Pizza Bombarder—30 Pizza Blaster

2 Banana Sundae Refiner—14 Banana Split Refiner

3 Green Tea Kettle—21 Green Tea Latte

1 Meatball Sandwich

Superstitious (Catalysts)

[Like Enchanted items, Ultimate items are not included alongside the True Book of Knowledge and the Statue of Knowledge]

[If there is an asterisk* in front of the item, it means it is a requirement for obtaining a different Superstitious Catalyst. It is recommended to hold onto them either to make more Catalysts or for later use in Enchanted crafting.]

!!![Does not include the elemental recipe for the Superstitious items]

Daestrophe (Void)

The Fissure—10 The Fracture

The Daegelart—10 The Abomination

Eternal Fracture—6 Eternal Journey, 3 The Fracture

Void Drive—is an Enchanted item

Dreadon’s Gauntlet (Thunder)

Tempest Refiner—20 Lightningbolt Refiner

Lightningbolt Predictor—6 Lightningbolt Refiner, 3 Astral Predictor

Azure Purifier—9 Azure Refiner

*Mystical Thunder—8 Arcane Lightning

Tesla Refuter—10 Tesla Resetter

Havium Mine (Earth)

Yuttrium Mine—11 Yunium Mine

Symmetryte Mine—8 Symmetrium Mine

Yuntonium Mine—6 Newtonium Mine, 3 Yunium Mine

Solarium Mine—8 Apollium Mine

Gargantium Mine—is an Enchanted item

Pandora’s Box (Destruction)

Dreamer’s Blight

Dreamer’s Valor—25 Dreamer’s Might

Dreamer’s Nightmare—7 Dreamer’s Anguish

Dreamer’s Terror—25 Dreamer’s Fright

Devourer of Nightmares--is an Enchanted item

Delta Phantom (Spirit)

Eternal Limbo—20 Eternal Journey

Brimstone Spires—10 Hades Palace

Dark Illuminator—4 Ore Illuminator, 8 Dark Magic

Forbidden Magic—12 Dark Magic

Anguished Guardian of the Gate—4 Dreamer’s Anguish, 8 Guardian of the Gate

Optic Origin (Light)

Morning Star

Neutron Star—10 Red Giant

Catalyzed Star—10 The Catalyst, 5 Morning Star

Ore Nova—3 Nova Star, 6 Stardust Pulsar

Void Star—10 Black Dwarf

Elysium Solemnity (Supreme)

Aethereal Synthesizer—15 Aether Refinery

Final Eclipse Gate—10 Gate of Eclipse

Crystal Altar—5 Crystal Shrine

Champion Infuser—is an Enchanted item

Vulcan’s Wrath (Fire)

Igneous Forge

Searing Heat—8 Scorching Heat

Spirit of Fire

Firecrystallized System—4 Industrial Firecrystal Mine, 8 Crystalized System

Vulcan’s Destiny—6 Vulcan’s Grasp

The Death Cap (Death)

Dreamer’s Blight

*Deadly Spore—12 Wild Spore

Azure Spore—3 Wild Spore, 6 Azure Refiner

Delta Phantom—is a Superstitious item

Lord of Tenebrous—10 Sword God Shrine

Midas Blaster (Fortune)

King Gold Mine

Massive Diamond Drill—9 Massive Diamond Mine

Sage Justice—5 Sage Redeemer, 10 Blind Justice

Coliseum Catharsis—is an Enchanted item

Sage King—12 Sage Redeemer

Tyrant’s Throne (Power)

V-tolite Mine—7 Pilotite Mine

Tyrant’s Forge—10 Igneous Forge

*Mystical Thunder—8 Arcane Lightning

Void Drive—is an Enchanted item

Gargantium Core—is an Enchanted item

Ore Hypernova (Space)

Optic Origin—is a Superstitious item

Blue Supergiant

Aurora Borealis—5 Northern Light

Stardust Pulsar

Stellarite Mine

Garden of Gaia (Nature)

Gaia’s Grasp—20 Nature’s Grip

Dreamer’s Life—is an Enchanted item

Frozen peaks—9 Frozen Justice

Ambrosia Garden—6 Sakura Garden, 3 Ambrosia Fountain

*Deadly Spore—12 Wild Spore

Enchanted Library (Knowledge)

Book of Knowledge—is an Enchanted item

Stardust Illuminator—2 Ore Illuminator, 4 Stardust Pulsar

Ore Indoctrinator—66 Ore Illuminators

Ancient Coliseum—10 Ancient Temple

The Hourglass (Time)

Grandfather Clockwork—11 Clockwork

Interstellar Conqueror

Temporal Enchantment—25 Timeless Enchantment

Temporal Armageddon—30 Fractured Reality

The Trinity—is an Enchanted item

Swag City (Hemomancy)

Draconicglass Mine—15 Dragonglass Mine

Azure Purifier—9 Azure Refiner

Dreamer’s Nightmare—7 Dreamer’s Anguish

Funky Town

Devil’s Spore—15 Vampire Spore

Methuselah’s Mask (Necromancy)

The Death Cap—is a Superstitious item

Lord of Tenebrous—10 Sword God Shrine

Castle Bravo—25 Big Alberto

Tsar Bomba—100 Big Bertha

Son of Poison

Meralin’s Sorcery

Forbidden Magic—12 Dark Magic

*Mystical Thunder—8 Arcane Lightning

Swag City—is a Superstitious item

Methuselah’s Mask—is a Superstitious item

Soul Blossom

Heart of the Void (Oblivion)

Daestrophe—is a Superstitious Item

Void Star—10 Black Dwarf

Devourer of Nightmares—is an Enchanted item

Oblivion Emission—is an Enchanted item

Miner's Haven:Guide to Reborn Husbandry | Fandom (2024)
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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Author information

Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.